Season 19 Part 1-3

5th Class Quest, Wings, Giant Mount

Mu Online map Tomenta Island

Map drops Lightning items

Global Mu Online Season 19

Grow Lancer renewal

Global Mu Online Season 18

Season of Illusion Knight

GlobalMuOnline Season 18 Gaming World

/startergift Free Lucky set 1lvl

Server for everyone!

Ignis Volcano, Apocalypse sets

GlobalMuOnline - S18 Characters Lemuria, Kundun

Season update DONE

Commands List

Allows to post a message among all sub server within same server group, usage: /gpost
GlobalPostCMD                = /gpost

Allows to add multiple strength points by player, usage: /addstr
AddSTRCMD                    = /addstr

Allows to add multiple agility points by player, usage: /addagi
AddAGICMD                    = /addagi

Allows to add multiple vitality points by player, usage: /addvit
AddVITCMD                    = /addvit

Allows to add multiple energy points by player, usage: /addene
AddENECMD                    = /addene

Allows to add multiple command points by player, usage: /addcmd
AddCMDCMD                    = /addcmd

Allows to player to clear PK status
PKClearCMD                    = /pkclear

Allows to propose a marriage to another player
MarryProposeCMD                = /prop

Allows to accept marry proposal after usage of the above command
MarryAcceptCMD                = /accept

Teleports yourself to your marriage partner
MarryTeleportCMD            = /teleport

Allows to take divorce
MarryDivorceCMD                = /divorce

Allows to disconnect specified character knowing their character name and account password, usage: /dcfriend
DCFriendCMD                    = /dcfriend

Allows to define to display all duel and trade request or refuse all by default, usage: /requests
SetRequest                    = /requests

Allows to clear inventory from all items, keep equipped items, inventory, money and ruud, clears items that is in inventory and expanded inventory! After using command items are not refundable.
ClearBagCMD                    = /deletemyitems

Allows to clear event inventory from all items
ClearEventInvCMD            = /cleareventinv                       

Activate off-trade sale, selling items from personal store, available in devias safe zone only
OffTradeCMD                    = /offtrade

Activates off-levelling system
OffLevelCMD                    = /offlevel

Decrease Strenght Command = /decstr
Decrease Agility Command = /decagi
Decrease Vitality Command = /decvit
Decrease Energy Command = /decene
Decrease Comamand Command = /deccmd

Open NPC shop from any place /huntshop
Open your Warehouse from anywehere = /huntware

EventTimerCMD = /event


Published by Salvis 13/12/2019