Mu Online Season 20 Part 1-3

New character alchemist

Season 19 Part 1-3

5th Class Quest, Wings, Giant Mount

Mu Online map Tomenta Island

Map drops Lightning items

Global Mu Online Season 19

Grow Lancer renewal

Global Mu Online Season 18

Season of Illusion Knight

GlobalMuOnline Season 18 Gaming World

/startergift Free Lucky set 1lvl

Server for everyone!

Ignis Volcano, Apocalypse sets

GlobalMuOnline - S18 Characters Lemuria, Kundun

Season update DONE

Creating Condor Feather for 3lvl wings

Creating Condor Feather
(Main Ingredient for 3rd Wing)
Crafting Location: Chaos Machine (Noria Map – Coordinates 180,102)

- 2nd Wings of level +9 / option 4 or higher
- Jewel of Chaos
- Bundle of Jewel of Soul (x10)
- Jewel of Creation
- Greater Spirit Stone - (Higher Magic Stone and x50 MAX)
- Zen: 12,000,000

1. First, gather the above ingredients for the specific stones.
2. Move or warp your character to map Noria to coordinates 180,102 and click the NPC Chaos Goblin.
3. Click Regular Combinations and add the above-listed ingredients. Click the item and drag to the combination box on the left and click on an empty space. (You can also right click the item on your inventory so the item will move automatically to the combination box).
4. Once all the items are placed in the combination box you then click “Combining” button.

Published by Salvis 13/12/2019